Scents, community, and incense in traditional Chinese religion
- 圖書館研究人員著作資訊
數典編號: LB02_0077241
題名: Scents, community, and incense in traditional Chinese religion
並列題名: N/A
其他題名: Scents community and incense in traditional Chinese religion
語文別: 英文
資料出處: Material religion : the journal of objects, art and belief
卷冊/期別: v.13 no.2
頁數: p.156-174
作者: Scott Habkirk;Hsun Chang
出版者: Routledge
出版地: Oxon
出版年: 2017
文獻類型: 期刊文章
關鍵詞: Anthropology;Incense;Smell;Religion;Daoism;Buddhism;Taiwan;Chinese
Includes notes and references;DOI:10.1080/17432200.2017.1289306
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