Cultural performance and the reconstruction of tradition among the Bunun of Taiwan
- 圖書館研究人員著作資訊
數典編號: LB02_0077262
題名: Cultural performance and the reconstruction of tradition among the Bunun of Taiwan
並列題名: N/A
其他題名: N/A
語文別: 英文
資料出處: Oceania
卷冊/期別: v.81 no.3
頁數: p.316-330
作者: Shu-Yuan Yang
出版者: University of Sydney
出版地: Sydney
出版年: 2011
文獻類型: 期刊文章
關鍵詞: The Bunun;Reconstruction of tradition;Cultural politics;Ritual performance;Personhood
Includes notes and references;DOI:10.1002/j.1834-4461.2011.tb00111.x
授權規範: 閱讀授權規範