Compassion in action : cultural counseling as an indigenized application of the clinical humanities
- 圖書館研究人員著作資訊
數典編號: LB02_0077276
題名: Compassion in action : cultural counseling as an indigenized application of the clinical humanities
並列題名: N/A
其他題名: N/A
語文別: 英文
資料出處: Philosophical Practice: Journal of the APPA
卷冊/期別: v.7 no.3
頁數: p.1105-1120
作者: An-Bang Yu;Der-Heuy Yee
出版者: American Philosophical Practitioners Association
出版地: New York
出版年: 2012
文獻類型: 期刊文章
關鍵詞: Clinical humanities;Cultural counseling;Psychotherapy;Indigenous clinical psychology
Includes notes and references
授權規範: 閱讀授權規範