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貨號: PB_0085242

數典編號: PB_0085242

ISBN/ISSN: 978-986-5432-12-6

藏品名稱: 關係的心:資本主義過程中的魯凱人觀、情感與家的社群性

語文類別: 中文

作者/主編: 鄭瑋寧

出版者: 中央研究院民族學研究所

出版地: 台北市

出版年: 2019




Taking a relationalist perspective, I investigate the historical transformations which have occurred among the Rukai in Taiwan, with respect to the life cycle rituals, social exchanges, and affective sociability in order to demonstrate how an affective subject comes into existence in socio-historical contexts, thereby breaking fresh ground for the ontology of relatedness. This is connected with the theorization of the multiplicity of domestic sociality. My findings indicate that under Japanese colonialism the principle of social hierarchy and the modes of exchange, for the sake of domestic reproduction, were mainly intended to make the Rukai relational, social beings through gendering, emotional regulation, and working practices. In the wake of industrial capitalism, teenage Rukai workers have begun to defy parental authority by engaging in romantic love, thereby turning into affective subjects. Along with financialization, Rukai people are, unconsciously for the most of part, made subjects of affects and desire through performing the conviviality of life cycle rituals, self-aestheticization, and digitally-mediated asignifying signs. Significantly, this is conducive to how domestic sociality is historically (re)made. On the one hand, I argue for historicizing the ontology of relatedness by way of capturing the historical emergence of a subject of affects and desire locally, which in turn undermines the existing theory in kinship studies positing both the universality of humanity and a tans-historical sui genesis logic. On the other hand, drawing on the concepts of divided subject and of affective sociality, I elucidate their strength and aptness for theorizing on what a human subject and sociality are in the contemporary world.
